Products |
I'm looking for a product that I don't see listed here. Can you help me? |
Let's chat. We have access to hundreds of other products not listed here. We are distributors for Asean Corporation (which manufactures products under the brand names StalkMarket, Planet+, Jaya, Wasara and EcoSource) as well as PacknWood. Please contact us for pricing and availability of any other products from these companies.
What's disposable "serviceware"? |
That’s just the industry term for all the various things used to serve food - plates, bowls, take out containers, flatware, cups, etc. You might also see “service ware” or “disposables” - same difference.
Bagasse? PLA? I don't know what these materials are. |
Learn more about a few important key green terms here - Green Serviceware 101.
I'm looking for "BPI Certified" for a Zero Waste event - what does that mean? |
BPI Certified means that a product has been tested by the non profit Biodegradable Products Institute. These products are certified to meet “ASTM D6400” or “ASTM D6868” testing standards, which means that they fully comply with municipal or commercial composting standards. Just because a product is biobased doesn’t mean it biodegrades completely, so look for the BPI Compostable logo.
Help! My PLA melted. |
Please store your PLA products in a cool location out of direct sun! Also keep PLA away from direct sources of heat such as generators, cooking surfaces and furnaces, and do not sit it directly on hot blacktop. Yes, this material will melt at or over 105 degrees. This is also why these products are always marked “for cold foods only.” Read NatureWorks' Ingeo Smart Care Checklist for more info on how to best handle PLA.